Do Something That Scares You Everyday

This is part 3 of my 2020 annual review

One of my main areas of growth this year is changing my relationship with fear. Fear can’t be overcome but rather it’s something you dance with. Oftentimes, It’s a compass pointing us in the right direction. All the most worthwhile decisions I’ve made scared me at the beginning including the two best decisions I made this year: Taking time off for a learning sabbatical and writing every day.

My sabbatical at the start of the year was an experiment in freedom and creativity. Despite not being able to travel like I initially hoped, I had an incredible time. I doubled down on writing and I started my daily blog. I met many interesting people and made many new friends. I shared my journey in my newsletter, and my work resonated with others which was an incredibly fulfilling feeling.

Perhaps my biggest highlight this year is writing every day. At first, I thought it was daunting to write every single day, but one year later I did it, and I’m glad I did. It’s an ongoing project — I don’t have plans of stopping anytime soon — yet it’s in contention as one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Daily blogging has given me so much. It’s helped me improve immensely as a writer. It has given me a voice and a medium for self expression. It’s helped attract interesting people and opportunities. And it’s my chance to do something that scares me every day.

January 4, 2021

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