I Grew Up Here
There’s a trend on twitter right now of people sharing maps from their favorite childhood video games with the caption “I grew up here”.
Video games were a big part of my childhood. As a kid, as soon as I came home from school and finished my homework, I’d play video games until bedtime. I did that every day for years.
I remember buying the Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap for the Game Boy and I would play that every morning in the car while my dad drove my sister and I to school. I was so immersed in the game that one morning I completely forgot to bring my school bag. My dad wasn’t too happy about driving me back home and then to school again.
I have countless memories when it comes to video games. Now, I rarely play them at all. But I wouldn’t trade my video game filled childhood for anything.
Here are a few video games that raised me:
The first video game I’ve ever played. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
My friends would come over and we’d play Super Smash Bros Melee for hours
Family parties at our house were the best after we got Rockband
I have a bittersweet relationship with Call of Duty MW2.
My favorite map in Halo 3 - Valhalla