I’m Starting a Newsletter
This is long overdue, but I’ve finally started my newsletter. Subscribe here.
Why I’m starting a newsletter?
Starting January 1st, 2020, I’ve written every day, now it’s time to start sharing it with others. Instead of coming directly to my website, I’ll come to you. This is my way of making it easier for those who want to read my writing.
A Semester at the Library Updates
Starting from January 2020 to April 2020, I’m taking time off school to focus on reading and writing, A Semester at the Library as I call it. Many friends of mine have been interested in my progress. This is my way of giving updates.
Open Source Learning
Many of the things I’ve learned come from the generosity of others sharing what they know; I want to pay it forward. Whether that be through my writing, or curating the most thought-provoking material I’ve discovered, this newsletter will be my way of open-sourcing my learning.
Ultimately, this is a newsletter that I myself would love to read.
What will my newsletter look like?
I’ll be experimenting with the format, but as of now, I’ll be sending my newsletter every Monday and it’ll look like the following:
- An update on my semester at the library project.
- 3 pieces of thought-provoking material. This can be anything from books, podcasts, and articles to quotes, ideas, and tools.
- My writing — both daily blog posts and essays.
In the future, I hope to host meetups, online discussions, virtual conferences, etc.
Stay tuned.