What You See is What You Value

When I first got into the sneakers, the first thing I would notice about a person was their shoes. Before, I didn’t care. Now, it was all I saw.

When I got braces, the first thing I would notice about a person was their smile. Before, I didn’t care. Now, it was all I saw.

My first few years of university, I cared about internships. This was the measuring stick I used to judge people. Before university, I knew nothing about internships. Now, it was all I saw.

Nowadays, I don’t care as much about the shoes you’re wearing, your smile, or where you work. Those don’t matter to me anymore. I value curiosity, self-awareness, and creativity. These are the things that I value, which influences how I see others.

What you see is what you value. What you value is who you are. And who you are is who you attract.

June 14, 2021

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