6 Years of Projects

One of my biggest and most consistent inspirations right now is Seth Godin. He’s the reason I started writing every day.

One of my favorite blog posts of his is Forty Years of Projects. In it, he describes viewing his career not as a list of jobs but as a series of projects:

There’s a difference between signing on to someone else’s project and starting your own. The impresario mindset of initiation and improvisation are at the heart of the project. It’s yours; you own it. Might as well do something you’re proud of, and something that matters, because it’s your gig.

When I read that, it clicked. This is how I want my career to look—not defined by where I worked, but by what I created.

Here’s my list of projects so far. Each one represents a point in time and the most important thing for me at that moment.

Here’s to creating more projects 🥂

December 23, 2024

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