CV of Failures

Inspired by Wendi Yan and Johannes Haushofer.

Recently, I’ve been thinking a lot about failure and how important it’s been to my story. My relationship with it has improved immensely since my first big rejection back in high school. Now, failure is an important part of my life. Failing is an indication that I’m pushing myself, experimenting, and stepping out of my comfort zone. And that’s where true growth happens.

Creating this project has been surprisingly therapeutic. As I’m listing my failures, many of them felt like the end of the world for me at the time. Many of them I felt insecure about for years. It’s great that I can reflect on them and laugh.

This CV of failures” is meant to be a dynamic document of all the failures that I’ve experienced in my life, and as encouragement to push myself, be adventurous, and fail often.

Degree Programs

Extracurriculars, Clubs, and Fellowships I did not get

Internships and Job Opportunities


Canadian Undergraduate Technology Conference

Others L’s I’ve taken

March 24, 2020 · Failure

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