My Dragon Ball Shirt

One message I often share is that our clothes tell stories. As I was going through my old closet, I found myself reflecting on the memories tied to different pieces. Today, I want to share the story behind my Dragon Ball shirt.

Back in high school, I was in a Hot Topic at my local mall, and I saw this bright orange shirt with Japanese kanji. It was the iconic Dragon Ball shirt that Goku wore in most of the series. I had to have it.

In my first semester studying engineering at Waterloo, my worst subject was CHEM102: Chemistry for Engineers. I struggled through the entire semester, barely staying afloat. When finals week arrived, I knew that the Chemistry exam would be the most challenging. I studied like my life depended on it. I needed all the help I could get.

On the day of the exam, I was figuring out what to wear. Then the idea came of wearing my Dragon Ball shirt. Wearing that shirt made me feel like Goku. Just as Goku transformed into a Super Saiyan after being pushed to his breaking point by Frieza, I was ready to face my antagonist: this final exam. CHEM102 had been my nemesis all semester. It was time to take it down.

I walked over to DWE and took a seat in the front row. I had my calculator ready. I had my writing utensils ready. And I had my Dragon Ball shirt on. I couldn’t fail now. I gave that exam everything I had.

When the results came out later that week, I discovered I’d barely passed with a 55 (just over the 50 needed to pass). I had survived. I’d won.

From then on, any time a daunting exam loomed, I’d whip out the Dragon Ball shirt. It became my battle armor in college, my personal symbol of resilience and determination.

December 21, 2024

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