On Deck Writer Fellowship

This past weekend was the kickoff to the inaugural On Deck Writer Fellowship. The kickoff was a blast and I got the chance to meet many of the other fellows. Everyone comes from accomplished and diverse backgrounds but we all have a shared interest in writing. Without a doubt, this is one of the best rooms I’ve been in.

However, as interesting as the cohort is, I also find it overwhelming. I want to talk to everyone. My friend Rishi, who’s also participating in the program, puts it well, this reminds me of the beginning of study abroad where everyone’s stumbling over one another trying to form groups and hang with everyone”.

That’s exactly how I feel about this fellowship right now. At the start of anything new, there’s a short window of openness and eagerness. Everyone’s trying to find their group. I feel pressure to meet as many people as I can to make the most out of this program. But I trust that I’ll find my place eventually.

Nonethless, I’ve been loving the experience so far and I can’t wait to make new friends and improve on my craft.

October 11, 2020

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