On Hell Yeah or No

Last week, I hosted a Digital Spring Cleaning session on Wednesday evening. Despite it being a break for the OTWC, I ended up hosting another event at Verci. The week prior, my friend that I co-hosted the Digital Cleaning event with, suggested the event idea, and I immediately agreed.

Over the weekend, I asked myself why I accepted this commitment. It’s a busy time for OTWC as we’re planning for next season, my sister and brother-in-law are visiting NYC, and now I feel time-poor. Although the event was simple to host, it still required time and mental effort. While I enjoyed it and used the time to migrate budgeting apps from Mint to Monarch Money, looking back, I should have declined and focused on my priorities.

This year, I’ve been overwhelmed with attending too many events. I’ve adopted the Hell yes or no” approach — if it’s not a resounding yes, then it’s a no. But what if everything’s a hell yes? I have many friends hosting cool events and parties. But I work a full-time job and dedicating my nights and weekends to writing and OTWC is my priority. I need to raise my bar again.

If it isn’t a f*cking hell yes, then it’s a no.

March 31, 2024

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