Retuning the Guitar
Inspired by Derek Sivers’, Useful Not, True
When you first buy a guitar, the first thing you need to do is make sure it’s in tune. As you play more, you’ll realize tuning isn’t a one-time task—it’s something you have to do regularly to ensure all the strings sound right.
You don’t tune a guitar once and expect it to stay in tune forever.
The same is true for us. We need to “retune” ourselves—return to our vision and direction. It’s important to constantly remind ourselves of what matters most and what we’re working toward.
As life goes on, it’s easy to lose sight of our mission and goals. That’s why I dedicate time every Sunday evening to my weekly planning session. I use this time to reflect on the past week and plan for the one ahead. This practice helps me stay aligned with my purpose and vision in both my personal and professional life.
In a way, it’s like retuning the guitar—making sure everything I’ve done and everything I’m about to do connects to the bigger picture.