The Traffic Test

In Wait But Why’s piece How to Pick a Life Partner, one of the key ingredients to success is an epic friendship.

How do I know if it’s an epic friendship?

They pass the traffic test:

I enjoy spending time with most of my friends—that’s why they’re my friends. But with certain friends, the time is so high-quality, so interesting, and so fun that they pass the Traffic Test.

The Traffic Test is passed when I’m finishing up a hangout with someone and one of us is driving the other back home or back to their car, and I find myself rooting for traffic. That’s how much I’m enjoying the time with them.

Passing the Traffic Test says a lot. It means I’m lost in the interaction, invigorated by it, and that I’m the complete opposite of bored.

To me, almost nothing is more critical in choosing a life partner than finding someone who passes the Traffic Test. When there are people in your life who do pass the Traffic Test, what a whopping shame it would be to spend 95% of the rest of your life with someone who doesn’t.

A Traffic Test-passing friendship entails:

A friendship that passes the Traffic Test gets better and better with time, and it has endless room to deepen and grow ever-richer.
January 16, 2021

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