You Don’t Need to Quit Your Job to Chase Your Dreams
In fact, sometimes it’s better to pursue your dreams while holding onto a job.
A job provides structure and financial stability. Think of it as a patron for your creative pursuits.
With this foundation, you can focus on your art during nights and weekends. It requires discipline and the ability to say no, but if you’re serious, you can make it work.
I’ve seen this pattern time and time again. For example, Khaled Hosseini wrote from 4 a.m. to 7 a.m. before his shift as a doctor. I also learned that David Marx, author of Ametora—one of my favorite menswear books—wrote it in the mornings before his day job at Google.
You can experiment too. Try building a few products, or start writing an essay on weekend mornings. There’s no need to go all in right away.