Maintaining that Childlike Wonder
This year has been an eventful one for me. I don’t think I’ve had a year in recent memory filled with as much surprise and novelty as this one. Here are a few that come to mind:
- Graduated university!
- Travelled solo
- Visited Colombia and Peru
- Learned a new language (Spanish)
- Attended a Colombian soccer match
- Slept in the Jungle
- Experienced a world wonder
- Tried lots of new food
- Met people from all over the world
- Delved into Photography
- Moved to New York
- Started my first full time job
- Hosted a house party
- Experienced the painful New York moving experience
- Exploring interior design
I feel as if I’m a child again, where everyday there’s a new happening. And I find that as long as I stay curious, pursue what scares me, and remain open to possibilities, I can continue to stay in touch with my inner child.